soil stabilisation

retained earth also provides in-depth construction management, guided by years of practical experience in Geotechnical Construction. 

retained earth offer many techniques and proprietory products for structural remediation and protection from seismic activity and subsidence.

For all of your soil, foundation and embankment stabilisation requirements, contact retained earth for further information.

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Global Stability : The Retained Earth Philosophy | Systems Development

When speaking in a Geotechnical Engineering sense, “global stability” relates to the overall stability of a structure. This extends outside the typical design considerations such as structural adequacy or “internal stability” and relates to preexisting site conditions such as seismicity or acceleration and general soil types and how they affect the internal design.

Retained Earth, as a business philosophy, have adapted this engineering consideration into our general business methodology and approach. We endeavour to encompass all components of seismic effects on buildings and general soil structures.

This is reflected in our approach in creating various cutting-edge systems in the retaining of soil and the buildings that are supported above and also the protection of the structure itself as it experiences the cycles of expansion encountered through thermal and seismic movement.

Contact retained earth on how we can help with your project.

A gabion basket wall: a type of mass gravity structure that requires little site prep.