Need a Gabion or a Wire Wall? What is the difference?

SO what is the difference? Not much at all. The gabion was the basic idea that centuries of design and implementation has shaped into a highly effective engineering device used to stabilise grade separations in soft to poor soil conditions. The gabion units also perform exceedingly well in seismic areas due to their ability to deform without losing structure.

When used in optimal soil conditions, the benefits of the gabion are well-known. As with anything though, gravity wins and the gabion wall is limited in its height vs cost comparison. This is due to the requirement that the higher you go, the more earth you are retaining (the higher the load), and therefore, the thicker the gabion wall needs to be.

This is where the wire wall or steepened earth wall comes in.

By replacing gabion units that would be required to increase the density or thickness of the wall with extensible soil reinforcements, either steel or synthetic, one is able to build a ‘cohesive-block’ type soil wall, otherwise known as a mechanically stabilised earth wall or reinforced soil structure.

Contact retained earth for more on your wire wall or gabion wall requirements.

See more via wire walls