Want to maximise your usable land? Try a retained earth retaining wall

When working with an earthmoving company, you may hear the terminology “cut & fill”. This basically means as it sounds; some areas of work are to be excavated which is indicated by the word ‘cut’ and other areas that are to be filled, and well, you know the rest.

By doing this in a certain way, you can maximize the amount of usable, and more possibly, load bearing land in which an extension or another structure can be built on to increase the overall value of your block. This is even more critical for older blocks that have matured but nonetheless it is also a widely occurring function when building on a new block.

A small garden wall complete with new turf!

Concrete retaining walls by retained earth help to provide a long lasting and aesthetically appealing option when considering the various types of retaining systems on the market. Our systems utilise both cantilever anchorage and gravity itself as a means to secure an area of fill. In saying this, we also have cut zone ready retaining systems.

Contact retained earth for further information.